Teach yourself hypnosis with iHYP. Everything you ever wanted to know about Hypnosis at your fingertips.
iHYP is best used as a pocket reference, along with a dedicated guide or course in hypnosis. That said, if you want to use it on your own to learn hypnosis, you can do that too.
Heres how you can start learning hypnosis now:
1) Questions - this tab contains questions and patterns designed to lead another into trace while also embedding commands and suggestions.
2) Inductions - a list of common inductions, with word-by-word scripts to keep you started. Sit someone down, have them get comfortable, start matching their words and body language and, as you do, read out one of these scripts. As you practice, youll get better and better leading others into trance.
3) Utilize - hypnosis is useless unless you use the trance state you created. In this section youll find a number of NLP patterns that work well in trance. Once youve done an induction with someone, play around with these. That said, you dont have to! Hypnosis works wonderfully with or without these.
4) Future Pace - to make the work youve done actually stick, youll want to "future pace" it. This section shows you how. After youve done an induction and run a pattern from the utilize section, read one of the future paces from this section and youll be good to go.
5) Tips - fun, easy-to-use tips thatll point you in the right direction when doing hypnosis.
6) Favorites - keep your favorite entries in your favorites.
Hypnosis is wonderfully easy -- and way simpler to learn than most trainers would have you believe. iHYP gets you started.
And, if you have any questions about the app, please email us at support@charmistry.com. We love to help, and its much better to get in touch with us there (theres no way to respond to you in the review section.